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Print: Baxter - CL 74 – The famous missionary, ironically, today, most probably as well-known for being ‘massacred’ by natives as he was for his missionary work, a celebrity of the day. Baxter produced a number of prints of the missionary, some for books but also, as this, issued separately as works of art by his publisher John Snow. This was most probably a turning point for Baxter after which he fell out with Snow but then started to produced more and more prints  as works of art and published separately by him

The missionary is seen sitting in his study, the manuscript of his book ‘Missionary Enterprises’ is on the desk along with a letter from his biographer Prout. 


The print was produced from as many as twenty-two blocks. 


The original published price to subscribers was 10s. 6d., proofs 15s.; to non-subscribers 12s., proofs £1 1s. 


Date: 1843


Size (cm ht x w): 27 x 22.2


State: Unmounted on card, most probably a cut down original mount


Condition: Very good colours, minor rubbing to odd spots on the print, only noticeable on close examination. Please note there are, what appears to be, pin holes in a couple of places. This is something we always mention on this print as these are small needle marks and are part of the printing process used to align the colour blocks

The Lamented Missionary, the Rev. John Williams

SKU: 1764

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