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New Baxter Society
The New Baxter Society

The very first Baxter Society was formed way back in 1897 some members had inherited prints from their fathers who had actually purchased prints directly from Baxter himself, unfortunately after a large scale, financially ruinous, exhibition the society closed after only a few months.

Another Society was formed in the early 1920’s and ran for many years until just before World War II. It was highly successful and boasted many exhibitions, monthly and quarterly magazines and a large membership.

In 1983 a few like-minded collectors formed the New Baxter Society and it has now far outlived all previous Societies.

Their objectives are to further the interest in the work of George Baxter, his Licensees and Nineteenth-Century Colour Printing in general.

Benefits of being a member of the Society include:


  • Access to the Society website including the members area with a wealth of information, catalogue of prints, question and answer area etc.

  • Three highly professional full colour Newsletters each year

  • Access to the latest news and discoveries in the Baxter world

  • Access to the Society’s publications at reduced rates

  • Forum to air your views and meet other like-minded collectors.

  • Invitation to the Annual General Meeting, which usually includes presentations, displays and the eagerly awaited, bring and buy sale.

  • At least one other annual meeting which will either be a well prepared exhibition or visit to a museum or Baxter collection somewhere in the UK, usually to see items not normally available.

The Society is non profit making and any surplus is put back into the Society to further the Society’s objectives is very happy to support the Societies work and as such makes Membership and some publications available through out website. To keep costs to a minimum we request that all UK purchasers settle by cheque. Overseas collectors can pay via and can now find it incredibly easy to gain access to this interesting and active Society. All proceeds go directly back to the Society.

The Society appreciates that it is unlikely that overseas members will be able to attend many events but the regular Newsletter, which is usually full of interesting articles and is a forum for new information and discoveries, is essential to every Baxter collector and of course gets full access to the members area of the website

To join the Society or purchase Society publications please go to our ‘Items for Sale’ page and click on ‘The New Baxter Society’. Any questions please feel free to ask.

A society member at a 'hands on' day at Reading University's Dept of Typography

© 2017 - All images and text on this website are the property of and should not be used without written consent. This will be freely given to people who have the decency to ask and give good reason
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