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Baxter's Advertisements

This is my research page of advertisements that George Baxter had placed in the press (or in the early years, through his father John Baxter) during his active years (1827 - 1860) - they are for my personal use and shouldn't be referenced or copied without my express permission but feel free to read and enjoy.


Some are advertising for apprentices and engravers etc but most are for the sale of his prints. As you will see Baxter didn't really advertise in the early years, most of his work coming from publishers. It is only when he started to issue prints separately in the early 1840's that he started to advertise, mainly relating to his portraits of Williams and Moffat. It all then seems to go quiet until 1851 and the Great Exhibition when he advertised heavily. Some of these adverts appeared multiple times and in multiple papers. His last advert that I can find, before he announced his 'retirement from artistic labours' in March 1860, is just one month earlier advertising The Dogs of St Bernard in February 1860.


After his retirement he spent just over 3 years travelling the UK selling his prints. He advertised these sales extensively in the local press during this period and the full details can be read in this comprehensive 'Chat' HERE along with some samples of those adverts.


His lack of advertising in certain years doesn't mean he wasn't busy, he was mainly selling his prints through the wholesale market. It is only in the early 1850's he really seems to have taken on board the power of advertising.


Advertisements by retailers regarding Baxter's prints, including overseas retailers will hopefully be added soon.


Do you have any adverts that aren't shown? It would be great to see them.


'Baxter's Select Sketches in Brighton' published by J Baxter 1827

'Baxter's Select Sketches in Brighton' published by J Baxter 1827

Literary Gazette - 23rd May 1829

George Baxter apprentice advert - JohnStreet 1829.

Two apprentices wanted


The Literary Gazette -

1st May 1830

Baxter advert - Literary Gazette - May 1

Presumably one apprentice has now been taken on as only two weeks after the above advert another appears looking for just one apprentice


Sussex Advertiser - May 17 1830 -

Apprentice wanted - Sussex Advertiser Ma

Sussex Advertiser Dec 31 1832 -

John Baxter advertising his son's new book - G Baxter's Missionary Annual  for 1833

BAXTERS Missionary Annual Sussex Adverting

Baxter's Agricultural and Horticultural Gleaner or Annual or  Supplement 1835 / 6

Advert from Baxter's Agricultural Gleaner 1835

The Literary Gazette - 16th July 1836

Baxter advert - Literary Gazette July 16 1836

The Literary Gazette -

16th September 1837

Baxter advert Literary Gazette Sept 16 1837
George Baxter - The Royal Christening - The Literary Gazette 29th Jan 1842

The Literary Gazette


29th Jan 1842 


The Royal Christening companion to Coronation 'shortly ready for delivery' although plate says published Oct 1 1841.

Maidstone Gazette - Dec 6 1842


Agent Mr Simpole will bring around sample of Coronation picture


Maidstone Gazette - Dec 6 1842 - Agent for George Bxter's Coronation of Queen Victoria

Kentish Gazette - Jan 17 1843


Coronation picture Mr Simpole agent in Canterbury -


George Baxter's Coronation picture Mr Simpole agent in Canterbury

Dover Telegraph - Feb 18 1843 - 


Coronation picture Mr Simpole agent in Dover


Coronation picture Mr Simple agent in Do

The Atlas for India (UK Paper) April 1 1843 -


Preparing for publication The Wreck of the Reliance  -  Subscribers names to...


The Atlas for India (UK Paper) April 1 1843 - George Baxter Wreck of the Reliance
George Baxter Rev Williams & Moffat - Shortly will be published 1843

Shortly will be published... Williams and Moffat - can be found on the backing board of some prints when in Baxter's original gold frames as per this advert - no date but early 1843 prior to their publication

The Examiner April 8 1843 - Now publishing  Williams & Moffatt


The Examiner April 8 1843 - Rev Williams & Moffatt by George Baxter

The Ipswich Journal Sept 2 1843 -


Subscribers to Abolition of Slavery which was never published - the full story can be read HERE


The Ipswich Journal Sept 2 1843 - Subscribers tgo George Baxter Abolition of Slavery

Illustrated London News Dec 14 1850 


Sale of French Patent rights

George Baxter Sale of French patents - Ilustrated London News
George Baxter - Licences and Patent Extension - Art Journal 1851

Art Journal Advertiser - Jan 1851 - Licenses and Patent Extension

Athenaeum May 3 1851



Gt Exhibition, Exterior to be published 5th May others will be published in May & June - Licences  granted  to use the process

George Baxter Great Exhibition Extior to be published - Athenaeum May 5 1851

Athenaeum May 5 1851


Great Exhibition Exterior now 'just published' - interesting as the plate says published 27th May and from 11 & 12 Northampton Square address


George Baxter Great Exhibition 1851 Ext - Athenaeum May 5 1851

The Daily News


May 10 1851


Same advert as above  and STILL showing  just 11 Northampton Sq proving the move to No's 11 & 12 must have happened between 11th and 27th May - please HERE for further details


George Baxter still at no 11 Northampton Sq - the Daily News 1851

Lady's Own Paper - May 24 1851 


Great Exhibition Exterior now published and others will be published in May & June ! BUT this is the FIRST time we see reference to the new address 11 & 12 Northampton Square

George Baxter Great Exhibition 1851
Baxter Key to the Great Exhibition - bac

The Back page of 'Baxter's Key to the Great Exhibition' a book in English, French and German "a companion to the official guide" - The introduction dated July 1851

George Baxter Interior of the Great Exhibition 1851 Exh collecting Subscribers names

The Sun July 11 1851 - Interior Great Exhibition to be published, collecting subscribers names - selling Overseas patent -

The Daily News Sept 29 1851


Interior of Great Exhibition will be published on day of closing - interesting reviews mentioning China etc - also advert for licenses in French

george Baxter Interior of the Great Exhibition will be publishing on closing
George Baxter - Great Exhibition 1851

The Observer - 5th October 1851 - Interior of the Great Exhibition was published on the day the exhibition closed 15th Oct 1851

Bents Literary Advertiser Oct 11 1851



Interior of the Great Exhibition was published on the day the exhibition closed 15th Oct 1851


Great Exhibition Int to be Pub - Bents Literary Advertiser

The Sun - Nov 19 1851



Failures of Chromolithography



Failures of ChromoLithography - George Baxter Graet Exhibition 1851 - The Sun - Nov

Morning Advertiser - Dec 16 1851



Failures of Chromolithography -Ext & Int Great Exhibition now published ALSO - will prepare notes to go with other prints so you can bind in a book


George Baxter Gems of the Great Exhibition
George Baxter Great Exhibition 1851 Pictures over 70,000 sold'

Lady's Own Paper - Dec 20 1851 - Gt Exhibition Pictures over 70,000 sold -

Failures Chromo + George Baxter Queen Victoria Prince Albert

Art Journal Advert - Jan 1852 - Talks of the failures of Chromolithography and the vast production numbers he claims to have sold

Lady's Own Paper May 15 1852 


Gems No 1 & 2 now published

George Baxter Gems of the Great Exhibition No 1 & 2 now published - Lady's Own
Gold Medal from Austria - Athenaeum July

Athenaeum July 31 1852 - Gold Medal from Emperor of Austria for his Gems of the Great Exhibition - will be completed in TEN views - 1 - 3 now publishing

Duke of Wellington published - George Baxter

Morning Post - Oct 28 1852 - Duke of Wellington will be published Saturday next (30th Oct) unless it was already in preparation this is quite an amazing feat for Baxter as the Duke only died Sept 14th 1852.-


From the back of a frame - assumed to date to 1853 - Advert for Nelson & Peel interesting mention of wholesale prices

George Baxter - Wellington Nelson Robert Peel

Morning Chronicle 


Feb 23 1853


Baxter advertising for Copper Plate printers


George Baxter advertising for Coppere Plate printer 1853

Morning Advertiser


March 21 1853


Baxter advertising for engravers


George Baxter advertising for engravers - Morning Advertiser
Art Journal Advertiser April 1853 - Baxter's Gems of the Great Exhibition

Art Journal Advertiser April 1853 Gems No 5 will be published shortly

Bents Literary Advertiser April 1853 - George Baxter Empheror of Austria

Bents Literary Advertiser - April 1853 - Gold medal from Emperor of Austria - Gems of the Great Exhibition No 7 described as  'Austrian Sculpture Court' ended up just as the Veiled Vestal (from that court) and used on the title page to his Gems... book - 78 - 80 'in preparation' are Gems No 5-7 but what are No's 81-83?

Bents Literary Advertiser and Art Journal Advertiser  - October 1853 


Crystal Palace New York 'will be published early in October' - the print states ' published Sept 1 1853' are there two dates?

Bents Literary Advertiser Oct 1853 - George Baxter - Crystal Palace New York
Art Journal Advertiser - Nov & Dec 1853 - George Baxter

Art Journal Advertiser - Nov 1853 - I would expect 'Joseph' Baxter would have been quite annoyed about this - even more when they published the same advert in December.

Bents Literary Advertiser Dec 1853 - George Baxter Rapheal Cartoons

Bents Literary Advertiser - December 1853 - Cartoons of Raphael

Art Journal Advertiser Feb 1853 - George Baxter Great Exhibition

Art Journal Advertiser Feb 1853 - Gold Medal from Emperor of Austria Gems No 1-3 published - No 4 on or before 10th Feb


A Guide to the Palace & Park by Samuel Phillips Published by Crystal Palace Library 1854 - The Egyptian Court (catalogued by CL as the Assyrian Court) was never published

Advert from A Guide to the Crystal Palace & Park - George Baxter 1854
Bents Literary Advertiser February 1854 - George Baxter - Day Before Marriage

Bents Literary Advertiser February 1854 - Day Before Marriage

The Daily News - Feb 20 1854 -


GB selling to the public


George Baxter selling to the public - The Daily News 1854
Bents Literary Advertiser December 1854 - George Baxter

Bents Literary Advertiser December 1854 - Baxter book Gems of the Great Exhibition now publishing - Failures of Photography - shortly be publishing Napoleon I and III

Crucufixion Siege sebastpol - George Baxter

Art Journal Advertiser - Jan 1855 - Just published The Crucifixion - The Siege of Sebastopol

Art Journal


Feb 1855

Art Journal - Feb 1855 - George Baxter -

North & South Shields Gazette


March 16 1855



Will be published in March - Ascent Mont Blanc - Allied Sovereigns - First Lesson and review of Gems of The Exhibition

George Baxter Ascent of Mont Blanc - Alled Soveigns - Crucifixion

Art Journal Advertiser


March 1855


Will be published in March - Ascent Mont Blanc - Allied Sovereigns - First Lesson

George Baxter Ascent of Mont Blanc + First Lesson Art Journal Advert -

Art Journal Advertiser


April 1855


Just published as above "also The Holy Family"

Art Journal Advert April 1855 - George Baxter Holy Family

Art Journal Advertiser


Aug 1855

Art Journal Advert Aug 1855 - George Baxter

Bents Literary Advertiser


Dec 1855



The Great Gold medal French Exposition (Exposition Universelle) which ran from 15 May to 15 November 1855

Bents Literary Advertiser December 1855 - George Baxter Great Gold Medal French Exposition
Homeward Mail from India China and the East - George Baxter

Homeward Mail from India China and the East (UK paper)- Aug 15 1857 - image courtesy of

Art Journal Advertiser


Nov 1857


Now publishing Lake Lucerne -

Lucerne - Art Journal Advert Nov 1857 - George Baxter

Art Journal Advertiser


Feb 1858


Parting look almost complete - initially priced at 2 guineas (£2 2s) - also described as Lake and Town of Lucerne

Parting look almost complete - George Baxter

Art Journal Advertiser


March 1858



Parting Look now publishing and the price is now 25s (£1 5s)

George Baxter Parting Look - Art Journal Advertiser

Blackburn Standard


April 14 1858



Parting Look establishing that Baxter gave the print the 'Tennyson' connection




Parting Look - Blackburn Standard - George Baxter

Art Journal Advertiser


March 1859


Winter now publishing also described as 'Love's Letter Box'

George Baxter - Winter now pub + Art Journal Advertiser - 1859
Wreck of the REliance now pub - Art Journal Advertiser - George Baxter

Art Journal Advert April 1859 - The Wreck now publishing

The Morning Chronicle


November 28th 1859


Dogs of St Bernard - this day is published

Dogs St Bernard published 28th Nov 1859  - George Baxter

Art Journal Advertiser


February 1860


Dogs of St Bernard - The last time I can find Baxter advertising his prints before he announced his retirement in March 1860

George Baxter Dogs of St Bernard - Art Journal Advertiser
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